Embark on an extraordinary Adventure Quest where kids will take their trusty pig on a series of exciting and educational tasks! In this immersive workshop, children will engage in hands-on activities that challenge their creativity, problem-solving skills, and teamwork. Kids will:
Purify Water: Learn the basics of water filtration to ensure their pig has clean water.
Create Parachutes: Design and test parachutes to safely drop their pig from heights.
Pig Racing with Balloon Cars: Build and race balloon-powered cars for their pig.
Light Up the Cave: Construct a light circuit to illuminate their pig's cave.
Build a Stronghold: Use wind-resistant techniques to protect their pig's shelter.
Construct a Popsicle Bridge: Engineer a sturdy bridge to safely cross obstacles.
This workshop is a thrilling adventure that combines fun with learning, allowing kids to explore STEM concepts in an engaging and interactive way.